Exam Information and Results
Exam Timetables
The timetable for the external 2025 Summer Season will be published below once confirmed. This is for the majority of subjects, but there will be other exams (e.g. BTEC) that are carried out during the course of the Academic year that will be notified to candidates by the relevant department. Similarly, there will be a number of internally assessed modules that need to be completed by the respective Examination Boards’ deadlines. These will also be arranged and notified to the candidate by the relevant department.
For the Summer 2025 Season, the GCSE Timetable will run from Monday 5th May until Friday 20th June. Wednesday 25th June, has been allocated by JCQ as the Designated Contingency Day for this year. Candidates are expected to be available on this date until they have completed their full timetable of exams. This Common Timetable is the timetable that covers the main Examination Boards – in the case of Tomlinscote, this is AQA, Pearson-Edexcel, WJEC and OCR.
Required Reading
There are a number of documents produced by the JCQ (the body that regulates all of our exams) that are relevant to candidates taking exams through Tomlinscote. There are links to these documents under the section Exams Downloads and the documents should be read by each candidate prior to sitting any exams.
Exam Results
For the Summer 2025 Season, exam results will be available in school between 9:00am - 10:00am on Thursday 21 August 2025 in the Main Hall:
If you are unable to collect your results in person, the nominated replacement individual will need to bring the completed Permission to Collect Results form (see link below) and Photo Identification on the day of results.
Exam Certificates
The 2024 GCSE certificates are available for students to collect from the main school reception between 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM, Monday to Friday.
The certificates belong to the student, ideally, we require the student to collect their certificate themselves, however, they can authorise someone to collect them on their behalf. For this, we will require the ‘Permission to Collect Certificate Form’ (that can be found in the links below), to be completed and signed by the student. The nominated person collecting the certificates are required photo identification.
Contact Details
If you wish to email the Exams department at Tomlinscote, please do so at exams@tomlinscoteschool.com and we will endeavour to reply in a timely manner.