Careers in the Curriculum
At Tomlinscote, Careers Education is one of the golden threads that runs through our curriculum. Our aim is to promote the purpose of our subject learning to our students and to enhance their overall personal and social development and well-being. Careers in the curriculum can have a significant impact on young people's personal effectiveness and career readiness and it is our ultimate aim to ensure that we help to prepare our young people for the ever-changing world of work. In addition to our discrete careers education programme, PSHE lessons, tutorials and ongoing enrichment programme, students will be introduced to various careers, post-16 progression pathways, and employability skills within their subject lessons. We believe that students should be aware, in all subject areas, of how what they are learning relates to their potential future. Students need an understanding of why they are learning what they are learning and how this links to real life and this is a central part of their preparation for post-16 progression.
Our expectation is that each subject will make as many links as possible with careers and post-16 progression pathways within their curriculum lessons. Each individual subject has a 'careers curriculum map' that details how, and when, students in Years 7-11 experience careers education, linked to their subject. It is the expectation that each year group will have their learning linked to careers at least once every half-term, in every subject area.
Some examples of curriculum areas and how they link the students' learning to careers and post-16 progression:
- In Year 7 Biology, students learn about 'cells, tissues and organ systems' as a topic and teachers will link this to medical careers, such as a general surgeon
- In Year 8 Physics, students learn about the 'current, electricity and energy transfers' as a topic and teachers link this to careers such as being an army electrical engineer
- In Year 9 Art, students complete a shoe design project and teachers link this to the roles within wider industry and focus specifically on working for the different departments in a multi-national company: Nike
- In Year 10 Maths, students learn about percentages as a topic and teachers link this to mortgages, taxes, utility bills and budgeting
- In Year 11 Computer Science, students study 'ethical, legal and environmental issues' within the Computing and IT industries are exposed to new and developing careers utilising AI Technology