Careers and Post-16 Progression
"Tomlinscote’s careers education delivers a rich and diverse program that supports the students through their entire learning journey to become independent, confident, and resilient individuals. It is above and beyond expectations of that of a comprehensive secondary school. "
(Mrs Hedvig Moutsatsos, Parent and LINK COUNCILLOR- CAREERS & TRANSITION)
ofsted, november 2023
“Pupils eagerly explain how the school’s extensive and well considered curriculum helps them pursue their dreams as an engineer, doctor, athlete, artist or something else.”
“Pupils are encouraged to consider their futures carefully and to be aspirational through the excellent careers education.”
Good careers guidance helps to bridge the worlds of education and work and is vital for economic prosperity and growth. When young people make supported and informed choices about their future study, training and work options, they are better able to maximise their talents and realise their ambitions.
Gatsby report "good careers guidance: the next ten years" (Published November 2024)
At Tomlinscote, we recognise that young people are making career decisions about their futures in education, training and work in a challenging and complex environment. It is more important than ever that they receive high quality, impartial Careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG). At Tomlinscote, under the direction of Helene Livesey (SLT- nominated Careers Lead for the school), it is our relentless mission to ensure that all of our students are provided with this information, advice and guidance throughout their time with us, particularly at key transition points within their secondary school career. We are fortunate to be a part of the ‘Prospect Trust’ with Farnborough Sixth Form College which holds the nationally recognised 'Quality in Careers' Standard, a qualification that we are working towards achieving ourselves, this current academic year. Additionally, as part of the Trust, we work closely with the ‘Prospects Careers Service’ to help us deliver an exceptional programme of CEIAG. We are also fully supported by the Tomlinscote AQC (Academy Quality Council) and our Link Councillor for Careers and CEIAG is Mrs Hedwig Moutsatsos. Please see the staffing structure document below for more information.
We are delighted to announce that Tomlinscote School is working towards achieving the prestigious ‘Quality in Careers Standard’ which is national recognition of the work a school does in its careers education and guidance programme. The Standard, one of the highest accolades an organisation can receive for excellence in this area of work, is aligned with the eight Gatsby Benchmarks for Good Careers Guidance and fully complies with the Department for Education's statutory guidance. In 2024/25, the school is working with a national accreditation provider and assessment centre to meet all of the standards required to achieve this national award. We believe what we do here at Tomlinscote is ‘gold standard’ in terms of preparing our young people for their futures and we are working towards achieving national recognition for this throughout this academic year. Whilst we recognise the ongoing quality of our work here at Tomlinscote, we are never restless. Our provision is evaluated on an annual basis and we consult with a range of stakeholders in order to review our success in meeting all students' career needs at each key transition point. Please refer to our CEIAG policy below.
Our Careers Education and Work-Related Learning programme at Tomlinscote is aligned with the 8 ‘Gatsby Benchmarks’ for Good Careers Guidance and fully implements the DfE statutory guidance. We aim to give students the knowledge, understanding and skills to plan and manage their progression through all stages of learning and into working life. We support all students with their choices at each transition point at Tomlinscote and offer impartial information, advice and guidance about future options and pathways available to them.
The Gatsby Benchmarks were developed by Sir John Holman to define world class careers provision in education. They provide a clear framework for schools to deliver careers provision. At Tomlinscote, we have developed all elements of our Careers Education programme in alignment with these 8 benchmarks. We are measured against these benchmarks by an external advisory body, the Careers and Enterprise Company, who are the national body for Careers Education in England and support schools like us to deliver modern, 21st century Careers Education.
Our Careers and Work-Related Learning provision is broken down into 3 key areas across the school:
- Careers Education Curriculum (discrete modules of Careers Education in each year group taught through our PSHE lesson time - please see information at the bottom of this page for our careers curriculum map)
- Enrichment and CEIAG programme (these are key events throughout the year for each year group along with our assembly and focus group programmes that run throughout the school - please see information at the bottom of this page for our provision map and focus group programmes)
- Careers in the Curriculum (department areas providing direct links to careers and post-16 pathways within their subject areas, and within lessons, as one of the 'golden threads' throughout our curriculum)
Through both one to one and group guidance sessions we help students to focus on:
- Self-Development (helping students to understand themselves, recognise their potential and how they can shape their future)
- Career Exploration (helping students to investigate opportunities in learning and work and how to use information effectively)
- Career Management (helping students to plan, make decisions and develop a broad range of skills enabling them to manage their own careers and prepare themselves for employment and lifelong learning)
All of our students are given one to one Careers Guidance Appointments with a level 6, fully qualified and independent careers advisor during Key Stage 4. We also work with students via the PSHE curriculum and Tutorial initiatives, both of which are core to every Programme of Study, in order to help them develop and evidence vital employability skills and appreciate that choices made now will have far reaching impact.
We have an excellent Careers and Work-Related Learning resource area in our Learning Resource Centre and we recommend a range of Careers websites and resources for students to access. These resources provide students with up to date information about the variety of different Career pathways (technical, vocational and academic) beyond Tomlinscote, such as apprenticeships, college, university and employment with ongoing training.
Tomlinscote has a strong track record of commitment and investment in Careers Education and Work-Related Learning. We have excellent relationships with the Careers and Enterprise Company as well as a range of local employers, all of whom provide real world connections and support to our students throughout Years 7-11. Tomlinscote runs a comprehensive programme of specific activities designed to inspire, inform and engage our students. Please see our plan below for details of these activities in each year group, along with details of our assembly and focus group programmes that run across the school throughout the academic year. Please be aware that these are updated very regularly when new events and activities have been booked in, on an ongoing basis.
We keep both parents and students informed about careers and progression events and opportunities in a variety of ways, including a weekly Principal’s newsletter, a wide range of progression events and information evenings and enrichments days and events throughout each year group. The work we do with our students throughout Years 7-11 ensures they are prepared for their next steps after school - click the links below to see a detailed plan of how we support students throughout Year 7-11. Please be aware that these are updated very regularly when new events and activities have been booked in, on an ongoing basis. In addition, you will also find details of our policies and access statements below.
If you need this, and any other information/documentation, in another language or font size then please contact us to request this.
For further information about any careers related matter please contact:
Ms H Livesey,, 01276 709050 x3006
AQC Link Councillor, Mrs Hedwig Moutsatsos